Thursday, 15 November 2012


Tittle of activity 

Industry day....demo

Objective :

The day had come!Alhamdulillah I managed to finish my final year project at the desired time. I would like to thank to my fyp supervisor, Mdm zurin as she is helping me so much in developing this project. Not forgotten to my friends that always support me throughout the period until I managed to complete my project.  Here, I attach my fyp poster and demonstration video during industry day ...During the presentation, I used to explained based on the poster that I provide. For my poster, the content includes:
  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Abstract 
  • Methodology
  • Result 
  • Reference

My Poster

Monday, 5 November 2012


Tittle of activity :  POSTER!!!

Objective : Prepare poster for industry day


Tittle of activity :  Prepare casing & test-run project

Objective :
Build up the car prototype to implement the project.

Content/procedure :

  • Casing


  • Result


Tittle of activity :  Troubleshoot

Objective :Solve camera prob and LCD

Content/procedure :

  1. Because of the camera that  used in my project can't support / match with the computer windows software, I need to downgrade from windows 7 to windows XP. Now my camera can successful function.
  2. Change a new LCD according to the damage because of the LCD dint't display the output range and distance.


Thursday, 4 October 2012


Tittle of activity :

 Step development basic burning programming

Objective :

To learn and understand better how to burn IC.

Content/procedure :

Step 1:

Launch PIC Kit 2 programming software by Selecting Start > Program > Microchip > PIC Kit 2

The following programming interface appears and notifies that the PIC Kit 2 and target device found and connected. 

Step 2: 

If device is successfully detected, the model name will appeared at “Device Configuration Area” 

Step 3 :

For UIC00A, the “VDD Target” will automatically be 5.0. User should powered +5V to the target PIC. 

Step 4 :

Go to File and select Import Hex. Browse for the Hex file location and open to start import the Hex file.

Step 5:

After Hex file has been successfully imported, the target device can be programmed by clicking on Write. The PIC will be erased and programmed with the new Hex code imported. The operation status will display on the Status Window if writing is successful. 

Step 6:

Push button is a special feature to load Hex file into the target device. Push button can be used after Programmer>Write on PIC kit Button is checked as figure below: 

Step 7:

Pressed push button and the Hex file will automatically program into the target device.

Step 8 :

The program already successful Burning Program.

Saturday, 29 September 2012


Tittle of activity :

PCB fabrication...hardware step development

Objective :

     PCB Drawing: PCB drawing is designed using Protel DXP 2005. Once the PCB layout has been correctly design, it is now prints out the layout on the A4 size transparent OHP paper. Note that, two types of printers are allowed to print the PCB layout, one is laser printer and the other is carbon type of printer such as Photostat machine. Inkjet and dot matrix type of printer will not work.

Content/procedure :

1.    PCB Cutting: Cut photo PCB size according to the film size.
2.    PCB Photo Etching: Expose the photo PCB in photo etching kit for 8-10minutes.
3.    PCB Developing: Wash the PCB using PCB developer (white powder) for 2 min.
4.    Acid Etching: Etching is a process that removes materials from such us unwanted copper from the PCB surface to achieve circuit design requirements. The etching process used in this project is called chemical etch or pattern etch. 


PCB print layout

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4 

Friday, 21 September 2012


Tittle of activity :

Web cam...test2
Objective :

Modified web cam so that it can connect to main circuit.

Content/procedure :

  • Soldering gun & lead
  • Jumper wire
Step 1:
Before modified
Step 2:
Remove the insulation 
Step 3:
Cut the Vcc cable
Step 4:
Connect the cable to jumper wire
Step 5:
Cover it with tape
Step 6:
After, ready connect to main circuit

Saturday, 15 September 2012


Tittle of activity :

Simulation on protel....

Objective :

Construct the project on the protel sofware

Content/procedure :

Schematic Diagram

Thursday, 6 September 2012


Tittle of activity :

Briefing 2....start buying component

Objective :

Second briefing for this semester.

Content/procedure :

1. Report

In this week, there been held the FYP briefing to guide student about how to write the report properly and gain maximum marks and knowledge to implemented to the work environment.For the report writing updating process, the focus is more to the chapter 1, 2 and 3 but yet not finishing the chapter 3 (methodology) because the process of this project still ongoing and it will be updating from time to time. 

2. Project

In this week I start to buy a component.

a) maxsonar-EZ1

  • 42kHz Ultrasonic sensor
  • Operates from 2.5-5.5V
  • Low 2mA supply current
  • 20Hz reading rate
  • RS232 Serial Output - 9600bps
  • Analog Output - 10mV/inch
  • PWM Output - 147uS/inch
  • Small, light weight module
b) LCD 

c) Web camera

Thursday, 30 August 2012


Tittle of activity :


Objective :

Do the right connection at the sensor according to the schematic diagram.

Content/procedure :

Maxsonic-EZ1 ultrasonic sensor range finder

Sensor description and connection

Detection angle

connection to my circuit

Friday, 24 August 2012


Tittle of activity :

Thursday, 16 August 2012


Tittle of activity :

  • Search and construct ultrasonic sensor max sonar-EZ1 circuit.
Objective :

  • Use suitable sensor that can relate or function with PIC16F877A
Content/procedure :

Component needed

  • LCD
  • Maxsonar EZ1
  • NPN transistor 2N2222
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper Wire
  • Resistor (1k & 4.7k)

Circuit Connection

Simulation Connection

Result and analysis :


The Maxsonar-EZ1 sensor offer a very short to long range detection which is from 0-inches to 254-inches plus with a very low power consumption. It has provided sonar range information from 6-inches out to 254-inches with 1-inches resolution. Object from 0-inches to 6-inches are range as 6-inches. It has 3 modes selection for the output range which is:
~ Serial, 0V – 5V, 9600 Baud
~ Analog, 10mV/inch
~ Pulse Width, 147us/inch

EUART of PIC16F887

The Enhanced Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (EUSART) module is a serial I/O communication peripheral. It is also known as Serial Communications Interface (SCI). It contains all clock generators, shift registers and data buffers necessary to perform an input or output serial data transfer independently of the device program execution. As its name states, apart from the usage of clock for synchronization, this module can also establish asynchronous connection, which makes it irreplaceable in some applications.

Conclusion :

  • Maxsonar-EZ1 will send the output if in ASCII format. For maxsonar-EZ1 sensor, the output are in RS232 format which mean that the HIGH(1) bit are at 0V while the LOW(0) bit are 5V, so need to connect the TX of sensor connect to NPN while RX of sensor to TX of microcontroller as shown in figure above. 

Monday, 13 August 2012


Tittle of activity :
  • Flow of the system
Objective :
  • To show the operation system by designing the flow chart

Saturday, 4 August 2012


Tittle of activity :
  • 1st FYP briefing
I'm attending the briefing about FYP at Gemilang Hall, UniKL BMI by FYP Committee about the what to do and not to do. Just like the ordinary briefing like last semester that tell the basic thing and just adding the info about Engineering Day's shirt and the new features like this blog so on.

In this week also I got to meet my project supervisor to discussing about the progress of my project. Basically my project had undergo the simulation development but I just complete half of it. The sensor and camera part still in research in order to combine it with the main micro controller. Futhermore, I had bought some of the components to be used in this project.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

14th week ( 23 April 2012 - 27 April 2012 )

Tittle of activity :
  • Summit chapter 1,2,3 and progress report

The purpose of this project is to research about basically functioning to create new system to reduce accidents that occur during reversing car. The main focus of this project is for the owner of the vehicle especially if the driver is a disable people, they need to install this system to their car. This progress report discusses the progress I have made from Jan 16 – April 27, 2012.

Work Completed from Jan 16 – April 27, 2012
During this period the progress of the project complete in searching information. Much information was get during research using internet and journal. Information about component will be used for this project such as ultrasonic sensor, LCD Display, PIC16F877A, reverse camera system and how the camera will connect to personal computer. The entire component used for this project. From the research found many type of component with same function but different futures and advantages and disadvantages. Beside that the progress for this part is select the PIC will used for this project.
The reason chose the PIC:
        i.            Easily understood by humans.
      ii.            Closer to human language.
    iii.            More simple command and not longer.
During this semester also select the design and shape will be used for this implementation of reverse sensor in vehicle. Must do the best selected of the component to make sure the project will follow the target and archive the objective.

Work to be completed by November 2012
Next, I have to finish my research on the components that will use for this project. This completed on March 2011. For the next step, I have to find all the components needed, start learn about microcontroller language or command so it’s become easy for I’m to start write program and complete the project by applying all the research that I have done before. I also need to finish up my final report for this project but it will only be a few paragraphs due to the lack of information available. I will then write the conclusion and management implications for the final paper. The entire project should be completed by the first week of October 2012.

Problems Encountered

While doing this project research, the first problem that occurs is choosing the suitable sensor for this project, at the same time I also face a problem how to place the camera at the suitable place and it cannot be seen and secure from been stolen. Second problem, is how to write the program. I need someone to teach me about microcontroller, language program and how to re-program with use PIC 16F877A and also refer some book to learns. However the project is still on schedule and will proceed as how the project was planned.


My research project is on schedule and I should encounter no problems finishing it by October 2012. If there is any problem or comment regarding on my final year project, please respond me at