Tuesday, 24 April 2012

14th week ( 23 April 2012 - 27 April 2012 )

Tittle of activity :
  • Summit chapter 1,2,3 and progress report

The purpose of this project is to research about basically functioning to create new system to reduce accidents that occur during reversing car. The main focus of this project is for the owner of the vehicle especially if the driver is a disable people, they need to install this system to their car. This progress report discusses the progress I have made from Jan 16 – April 27, 2012.

Work Completed from Jan 16 – April 27, 2012
During this period the progress of the project complete in searching information. Much information was get during research using internet and journal. Information about component will be used for this project such as ultrasonic sensor, LCD Display, PIC16F877A, reverse camera system and how the camera will connect to personal computer. The entire component used for this project. From the research found many type of component with same function but different futures and advantages and disadvantages. Beside that the progress for this part is select the PIC will used for this project.
The reason chose the PIC:
        i.            Easily understood by humans.
      ii.            Closer to human language.
    iii.            More simple command and not longer.
During this semester also select the design and shape will be used for this implementation of reverse sensor in vehicle. Must do the best selected of the component to make sure the project will follow the target and archive the objective.

Work to be completed by November 2012
Next, I have to finish my research on the components that will use for this project. This completed on March 2011. For the next step, I have to find all the components needed, start learn about microcontroller language or command so it’s become easy for I’m to start write program and complete the project by applying all the research that I have done before. I also need to finish up my final report for this project but it will only be a few paragraphs due to the lack of information available. I will then write the conclusion and management implications for the final paper. The entire project should be completed by the first week of October 2012.

Problems Encountered

While doing this project research, the first problem that occurs is choosing the suitable sensor for this project, at the same time I also face a problem how to place the camera at the suitable place and it cannot be seen and secure from been stolen. Second problem, is how to write the program. I need someone to teach me about microcontroller, language program and how to re-program with use PIC 16F877A and also refer some book to learns. However the project is still on schedule and will proceed as how the project was planned.


My research project is on schedule and I should encounter no problems finishing it by October 2012. If there is any problem or comment regarding on my final year project, please respond me at hamidahza2509@gmail.com.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

11th week ( 2 April 2012 - 6 April 2012 )

Tittle of activity :
  • Slide Draft
  • Reverse Sensor is a product that readily available in any commercial or private vehicles that alerts the driver about the presence of obstacles at the back while performing reversed.
  • Reverse Sensor utilizes the principle of sonar or ultrasonic waves and is an ultrasonic measuring and warning system available for most cars, utilities and vans.
  • To design a reverse sensor system that using an ultrasonic sensor.
  • To develop reversing car sensor controlled by PIC.
  • To reduce accident not only reversing car, even when straighten parking.
  • To make disable people life easier. 
Literature review
  • According to the Department of Transportation, 27% of all accidents occur in reverse.
  • Research showed that 70% of accidents could have been prevented with the system.
Problem statement
  • The most difficult part in driving a vehicle is during reverse or parking.
  • For disable people such as paralysis or even dwarf it becomes more difficult to see the back, front, left and right.
  • Currently not all the cars are equipped with this system, mostly install at luxury vehicles.
  • Most car only have reverse sensor only.
Methodology block diagram

Flow chart

View of the system

Gannt chart

  • This reverse sensor is useful to prevent any accident occurring especially when reversing a vehicle.
  • The advantage of this project is the deaf driver will still can avoid an accident and can beware of the obstacles although they cannot hear the warning sound.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

10th week ( 26 Mar 2012 - 30 Mar 2012 )

Tittle of activity :
  • Project research
  • select suitable ultrasonic sensor that suitable with the project
PING))) Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

Parallax's PING)))™ ultrasonic sensor provides a very low-cost and easy method of distance measurement. This sensor is perfect for any number of applications that require you to perform measurements between moving or stationary objects. Naturally, robotics applications are very popular but you'll also find this product to be useful in security systems or as an infrared replacement if so desired. You will definitely appreciate the activity status LED and the economic use of just one I/O pin.

The Ping sensor measures distance using sonar; an ultrasonic (well above human hearing) pulse is transmitted from the unit and distance-to-target is determined by measuring the time required for the echo return. Output from the PING))) sensor is a variable-width pulse that corresponds to the distance to the target.

Interfacing to the BASIC Stamp and Javelin Stamp microcontrollers is a snap: a single (shared) I/O pin is use to trigger the Ping sensor and "listen" for the echo return pulse. And the  intelligent trigger hold-off allows the PING)))™ to work with the BS1! An onboard three-pin header allows the PING))) to be plugged into a solderless breadboard (on a Boe-Bot, for example), and to be connected to its host through a standard three-pin servo extension cable.

  • Provides precise, non-contact distance measurements within a 2 cm to 3 m range
  • Simple pulse in/pulse out communication
  • Burst indicator LED shows measurement in progress
  • 20 mA power consumption
  • Narrow acceptance angle
  • 3-pin header makes it easy to connect using a servo extension cable, no soldering required
Key Specifications:
  • Power requirements: +5 VDC
  • Communication: Positive TTL pulse
  • Dimensions: 0.81 x 1.8 x 0.6 in (22 x 46 x 16 mm)
  • Operating temp range: +32 to +158 °F (0 to +70 °C)