Friday, 27 January 2012

2nd week ( 23 Jan 2012 - 27 Jan 2012 )

Tittle of activity :
  • Component research.
  • FYP briefing 2.
Objective :

To identify the component that will be used in this project.

Content/procedure :
  1. Googling to search the suitable system and identify the components.
  2. Find the related operation of the components that used for this system.
Result and analysis :

The components that will be used in this project:

Ultrasonic Sensor
PIC 16F876A
Reverse Camera

LCD Display

  • All the components that will be used in this project is the basic components.
  • Find the function for each components to make sure all the component that used for the circuit are suitable
  • Study and learn the application of each component for the system in this project.
Conclusion :
  • Each components has their own function for the circuit and to do the combination to the system, each components need to combine to complete the overall project.

Friday, 20 January 2012

1st week ( 16 Jan 2012 - 20 Jan 2012 )

Tittle of activity :
  • Find the advisor for Final Year Project and searching a tittle for FYP.
  • FYP briefing 1.
Objective :

Conformation about the tittle for FYP and select advisor.

Content/procedure :
  1. Select lecture from FYP project advisor at RPS.
  2. Find the tittle and idea by using Google and others internet source.
  3. Describe the tittle and understand the idea.
  4. FYP briefing about RPS profile update and how to select project tittle in RPS.
  5. Find more information related to the tittle chosen.
Result and analysis :
  1. Understand more about the project.
  2. Start design the illustration of the project.
  3. Search the component that might be used for this project. 
Conclusion :
  1. Get the idea for FYP project.
  2. Identify the component that used for the project.
  3. Study all the component that will be use in this project.
  4. Know the flow of the project.